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Don’t Trust Your ESG Reporting to Just Anyone

Locus Technologies ESG Reporting

Is ESG the new gold rush? Some tech giants and startups seem to think so. With each passing day, more and more software providers throw their hat into the burgeoning ESG ring, hoping to cash in. While it’s perfectly reasonable for these companies to seek out profitable endeavors, most of those companies have limited real-world experience with ESG reporting and software. You may want to think twice about trusting your critical ESG reporting to someone looking to ride the wave toward a quick buck. 

Locus has been developing and supporting ESG solutions for over two decades, before the ESG acronym ever made its way into headlines and boardrooms. In addition to the years of experience, Locus places great emphasis on domain knowledge, hiring experts in environmental science, engineering, sustainability, and mathematics to name a few. Our solutions are built and supported by these qualified experts, opposed to developers who are frantically cobbling together a solution that they can rush to market. 

It takes years to develop a foolproof system for handling massive quantities of complex data. In a recent piece written by President of Locus, Wes Hawthorne, he delves into the importance of having accurate, audit-ready ESG reporting. Data quality and reporting accuracy have been pillars of Locus’ success since our founding in 1997. 

Do more for your ESG program than applying a cookie-cutter tool meant to meet the bare-minimum needs of the many or an application that is new and untested, and unfit for your requirements. Our robust solutions help you manage impact, create reports with ease, and meet your ESG goals effectively.  

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